About Us
Country Club Painting is a full-service residential and commercial painting company that provides interior and exterior painting services to the entire KC area. Owner Matt Whalen grew up and still resides in the Brookside neighborhood and is committed to providing superior customer service and the highest quality workmanship.
Planning & Preparation
We outline a clear and concise game plan from prep to clean up down to the last detail.
The Finishing
We thoroughly evaluate all work to make sure it meets our standards. We make sure all expectations have been met & exceeded.
We offer a complimentary walk through and estimate. We listen carefully to the goals you have for your home.
We offer updates regularly. We are consistent, communicative, on budget and on time.
Our Quality Guarantee
Our crew is well-trained and focused on delivering exceptional results using only the best products and materials from Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore. We have built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality services that exceed expectations, every time. Our guarantee is a promise to our customers that we stand behind the services we offer and a reflection of our commitment to providing the best possible experience and peace of mind.